SEE THE GOAL – background | context | project
See the goal project was an EU-funded transnational project in the Erasmus KA2 program, implemented from November 2016 to October 2018.
Work-based learning
Work-based learning has found its well-deserved revival and yet not peaked, regarding the exploration and implementation of its full potential. Dual systems as apprenticeship systems for vocational education and training (VET) seem to be leading the statistics for youth employment and generate a fast pay-off for public investment of education.
On the other hand, there is a well-known range of challenging tasks related to dual systems: acquiring a sufficient number of training companies, creating a satisfying interaction between school-based teaching and work-based learning, negotiating on the financing of students’ in-company periods, identifying the market needs, etc.
Quality of in-company training
One of the key challenges is the quality of the in-company training. The quality influences the motivation and retention of students, the learning results and scores of their final examinations, as well as the payback speed for the training companies. A significant step forward in this context is the consequent improvement of designing, applying and assessing the so-called “in-company learning outcomes”. Typically, the learning outcomes are included in the official regulations and/or guidelines. Various evaluations have shown that there is a general need to make learning outcomes more transparent and easier to adapt to daily training practice.
In-company learning outcomes as videos
A welcome approach to address the challenge of applying clear and practice-close learning outcomes in the digital era is video technology. In See the goal project, video-recording was used to support the design, communication, training and self-assessment of in-company learning outcomes. Professional film producers were involved in elaborating methods used by “competent amateurs” in the VET sector.
Here you find the background and inspiration for SEE THE GOAL:
Literature, reports, legislation, previous projects etc.
The sources are in English, as well as in national languages. Further references will be added, as they emerge during the project.
Project activities
The project work is organised partly as local production, partly as cross-national co-creation.
The responsibility for production of the intellectual outputs alternates between the partners.
Intellectual outputs
SEE THE GOAL intends to end up with 7 products/ranges of products, the so-called ´intellectual outputs´.
The partnership
7 partners from 4 countries are involved in the development process, each with their own educational program for test running the intellectual outputs.