The project work was organised partly as local productions, partly as cross-national co-creations. All partners contributed with vocational expertise and video productions.

The project was led by Slovenian CPI, in charge of administrative tasks, steering of communication channels and political contributions. Danish Moeve contributed to the project management with facilitation, documentation, evaluations and website edition.

A total of 5 transnational meetings marked the milestones for concluding the project activities, not only to outline the steps in the project, but also to experiment with joint productions. In addition, monthly virtual meetings offered the framework for reporting on local progression and for discussing open questions.



Transnational seminars

No. 5) Results from evaluations: Logarska, Slovenia, Sept. 2018

During this meeting, the partners undertook the final evaluation jointly, on both the work process and the final products. During the meeting, it had to be concluded on:

  • personal and organizational outcomes of the project
  • left-overs to do
  • results from the trial runs and their impacts on user groups
  • how to continue in the future

Evaluation methods during the meeting

The partners contributed actively in several workshops, where also the Danish partner ZBC was included on distance. Among other things, the partners evaluated via the following activities:

Via association cards.
 Via a high speed brain writing: The partners concluded on all intellectual outputs and at the same time took each others´ considerations into account.  

Via personal, video-recorded statements.The statements were summarized and concluded on for the purpose of the final report.

Also the new head master of the Slovenian VET college, SC Celje, joined the meeting spontaneously and participated actively.


Via a research-directing workshop on conclusions on the trial runs: Presentation (Prezi).The partners reflected group-wise on questions to these conclusions.

Slovenian researcher Borut Mikulec, University of Ljubljana, participated actively by giving feedback on the project partners´ findings.

The SEE THE GOAL partners Regina Lamscheck-Nielsen, Moeve, Denmark, and Anne-Maria Korhonen, HAMK, Finland, are processing the video-recordings of the workshop for the purpose of a joint article.

The evaluations were supplemented with physical activities in various ways, when the partners spent their leisure time in the stunning surroundings.  


As a summary, the partners concluded on the following:

  • Video has a high potential, as it is the young peoples´ own media. Recording and editing has become so much easier and cheaper and can basically be undertaken by “everybody”.
  • Nevertheless in educational context, a broader implementation of videos is necessary. The VET colleges will promote this approach via superusers.
  • Also a more modern promotion is required, and the new social media should be used to a far higher degree for this purpose.
  • There is a still unexplored potential in students´ own video productions for self-assessing their work and their learning results during in-company training.
  • The translation of regulations to training practice and vice versa is a complex and difficult task. The implementation, design and revise of in-company learning outcomes can be supported by video recording work and learning situations, which has been proved in SEE THE GOAL.

Also other perspectives came up: Video is one of the media, used more and more in Education 4.0. Other technologies, such as artificial intellligence, virtual reality and robots have entered the scene. Some of the partners will go into this direction to identify new possibilities.

All partners underlined that the methods and their impacts will stay alive and get further developed in each of their countries.

No. 4) Results from trial runs in practice, guidelines and multiplier events: Porto, Portugal, 6-8 Feb. 2018

Also the seminar in Porto framed an exchange on conducted acitivities in SEE THE GOAL as well as a catch-up on the next steps to take: Finishing the guidelines, the report of to design in-company learning outcomes and the partners´ multiplier events (local/national conferences).

As the production of the intellectual outputs takes place as in co-creation, the progression was assessed jointly by all partners, clarifying and agreeing on the last steps: “Who does still owe which deliveries to whom and with which deadline?” Download agenda.

DUAL as a training center

The seminar took place at the DUAL Training Centre. Here students are prepared on their apprenticeships in training companies, and further education of skilled workers is offered to the companies.

Among other things, the SEE THE GOAL partners could admire the new precious robot, which is used in the educational program of mechatronics.

DUAL can celebrate its 35th anniversary in 2018.

Best practice of in-company training in Porto

Some of the Portuguese videos have been recorded at Gamobar, offering sales of cars and maintenance service. Training in general is an important brick for the company to ensure the quality of the work processes and stay updated with the newest methods and technologies. In this context, training of apprentices is essential for Gamobar. By educating 10-14 apprentices per year, Gamobar covers the needs for continously supplying their professional workforce.

Gamobar integrates the young students into the staff as much as possible. Thus, the apprentices also participate in technical further education, which is run for the skilled workers. The SEE THE GOAL video recording meant another way to professionalize the training. The young people “pay back” with a high degree of commitment!

The students learnt how to video record their learning outcomes themselves. They became highly engaged in this method.

The manager: “The videos do not make a significant difference for the students´ technical competences, but they definitely have added value for increasing the students´ social and personal skills.”

Design of in-company learning outcomes

As a contribution to the project´s report on The design of in-company learning outcomes, German and Portuguese policy makers contributed with outlining each their national processes.

The Finnish partner from HAMK introduced beforehand to the method ´Open badges´, which recognizes unformal skills with certificates. The badges are applied for to universities of applied sciences like HAMK, who assesses each application. The skills have to be proved via demonstrated work results (as photos, videos, virtual work products etc.). After recognition, the badges can be collected in personal Open Badge Passports.

Two scientific assistants from BIBB, the Federal German Institute for VET, were invited to present the German procedures online.

Agreements are always undertaken in consensus between the social partners, the 16 countries (Länder) and the state.


An expert from the National Portuguese Agency, ANQEP, explained vice versa the Portuguese National Catalogue of Qualifications. ANQEP is the coordinating public body under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Employment, Solidarity and Social Security in coordination with the Ministry of Economy.

The catagogue has been fully implemented since 2015, as a dynamic tool:

  • for the strategic management of national non-higher qualifications
  • for the regulation of VET, allowing double certification pathways
  • for the promotion of the effectiveness of public funding


No. 3) Peer reviews of videos, trial runs in practice and guidelines: Hämeenlinna, Finland, 9-11 Oct. 2017

The seminar in Finland framed an exchange on conducted acitivities in SEE THE GOAL and a catch-up on the next steps to take: More trial runs, production of the intended guidelines and the report on how to design in-company learning outcomes.

Thus, the partners self-assessed and peer reviewed the first 3-5 videos from each country. The very positive results from the first trial runs in Danish and Portuguese practice were presented and concluded on.

Download agenda.


Finnish best practice

Finally, the partners experienced inspiration from best Finnish practice:

A visit at HAMK´s new professional studio for the production of learning videos: Recently also a drone has been procured for the purpose of recordings!



A visit of My Milou, a retail store chain for high-end fashion. My Milou trains students in the educational program of visual merchandising from Tavastia – to their big enthusiasm.



A presentation of Tavastia´s approaches to use student-produced and teacher-produced blogs. The blogs support the documentation of the vocational education and the individual learning processes, also related to the students´ in-company training periods.




´Instant video´

As an experiment, the partners recorded an ´instant video´ for the joint promotion of SEE THE GOAL. The entire process of brainstorming, structuring and recording only lasted 40 minutes. The edition was undertaken afterwards by Portuguese partner DUAL. The method ´Instant video´ was invented by Moeve and will be published as one of the project results in spring 2018.

No. 2) Cross-national joint video production: Stevns, Holbæk, Lejre - Denmark, week 09, 2017

The seminar in Denmark, week 09/2017, had a double goal:

  1. The international partners should be introduced to the Danish dual system, by experiencing in-company training in practice
  2. The project partners should achieve the necessary competencies for recording and editing videos of in-company learning outcomes

For this purpose, the project´s supplier, film company CMF, trained intensively two vocational and media experts from Slovenian VET college CS Celje and an educational librarian from Danish VET college SOSU Sjælland. Afterwards, vocational and media experts from SEE THE GOAL´s  partner organisations were trained in these skills.

Two training companies within the Danish educational program for care helpers had offered their daily work and training practice to the project: Stevns Kommune and Lejre Kommune. Educational consultants, as well as trainers and apprentices from these companies, contributed activily during the seminar.

Program week 9-2017

The intellectual outputs of this week – videos and contributions to the script – are freely available.

Learning by co-creation: cross-national co-edition of the Danish videos

Film planning

Planning session in Denmark:
Pedagogical experts and film producers setting the framework for the videos, Dec. 2016


No. 1) Kick-off: Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16-18 Nov. 2016

TKick off, Ljubljanahe kick-off meeting was the framework for:

  • mutual presentations
  • clarifying the goals and agreeing on the joint process, see presentation
  • taking the first steps towards video production of in-company learning outcomes

The partners presented their VET systems and started to identify potentials and Personal introductionobstacles for “translating” learning outcomes to daily training practice, assisted by video technology.

As a test, the Slovenian partner SC Celje had prepared some video recordings of learning outcomes for industrial mechatronics. The partners got the chance to make some recordings themselves, instructed by one of the college´s professional media teachers. Of course, this led to further reflections and the first conclusions on how to proceed.

Download agenda.