All videos in SEE THE GOAL have been produced according to a range of quality criteria. These criteria have been agreed on in the transnational partnership of SEE THE GOAL. They are partly based on the technical expertise of the consulting experts (CMF, March 2017), partly on the pedagogical and communicative principles for in-company learning outcomes, as identified by the experts in SEE THE GOAL.
Self-assessments and peer reviews
The peer reviews were conducted during a transnational partner meeting (10th Oct. 2017, Finland) and before recording the last videos in each country. Thus, the first 3-5 videos from each of the 4 partner countries were reviewed. Some of these videos did not yet have English subtitles. Duration: 2 hours.
The peer reviews were systematically structured, enabling that each country could receive feedback from each country, based on their individual self-assessments. The countries drew themselves their final conclusions for local improvements.
As country-crossing joint conclusions for ALL videos, the following came up:
- Each country applies a consistent concept for graphic design, structure, style of videos, duration, music/no music, etc. The concepts need not be the same for all countries.
- The logos for SEE THE GOAL and the EU must be applied, as well as the graphic element (“flags”) for learning outcomes. Free option: companies ́ logos in the end of the videos.
- Structure for all videos: Brief introduction to the videos + content + brief summary at
the end of the videos.
In details
Denmark: The trial run on the first 3 published videos accentuated the authenticity and the learning effect of the videos. To be improved, according to the trial run and the peer review:
– clearness of learning outcomes
– clearness of dialogues / voices
– free accesibility and promotion of the videos nation-wide
Slovenia: The peer review of the first 5 videos stated especially good pictures with relevant close-ups. Slovenia had had difficult conditions, as formal in-company learning outcomes and thus, a culture for the use of them, yet do not exist. On the other hand, the videos had become a good framework for the development of LOs. Especially to be improved, according to the peer review:
– The authenticity of the videos and involving trainers
– The communication trainer-student and the interaction learning-working
Portugal´s first 5 videos are student-produced and all of them translated into English. The students worked independently on the videos. This ressource-conscious approach is striking, as it can become exemplary for VET organizations with tight budgets in all countries.
Finland has published the first 3 videos, recorded in a retail store. The peer review showed a high degree of authenticity, a clear concept and nice effects. To be considered:
– Recording of the next 3 videos in a different shop to increase the representativity in the trade.